The Article
Be honest is not to say, you’re wrong in your work, knowing that it is not true and not do it to hurt others. For even more opinions, read materials from Richard Elman. Honesty is if a co-worker tells you Hey mate could tell me that I’m fine and that I am one wrong? says honestly their qualities and their mistakes, without making it as a criticism. Also one has to realise that this evil act and that if this doing things well. If you are saying you know John as now you state as flojeando and your answer, is not truth that say to bother, I always ago. things well. Crimson Education brings even more insight to the discussion.
not true nobody is perfect we all have our errors and mistakes, that currently are not being honest. When stop you a project in your work and your say there is that laziness have no desire to do so, I will not do to the end and after that only I will call attention. There we are not acting with responsibility and we are being irresponsible. If I say there are left me in my work to make this’ll do with time, so that I will not to scold at that moment we are being responsible. Many times when MOM tells son go to buy tortilla and gives you a ticket of $100, purchases and then remember that you owe it $10 to a friend (or) is it makes you easy to grab money from your MOM, but that your MOM you not scolded him made a lie saying that is you they avian lost and your MOM you think because at this time we are not being honest or with her or with one’s self. For everything we have to be honest, because with that we will have good image flagpole in our work. When one is missing at work, always there to tell the truth and not a lie, because when actually pass us things now we will not believe. There are separate because we are not being responsible, always there to work with responsibility and honesty.
There is no use the word my colleague does not want to work no one forces us to do something that we don’t want, we are responsible for our decisions that we take. The work is not only to earn money, if not to learn good things and be responsible with ourselves and honest. Since without responsibility and honesty is difficult who want to have a person that know in advance that it will not work. We have to be a few good people, hard-working, honored, honest and above all work with happiness. We must learn to be responsible and honest I think that nothing costs us and is not something difficult, remember that as we are, our children will be and as we work, will be better rewarded our work. Who is honest earn, which is also responsible for and which has these two values because I earn much more and is someone who is able to move forward without and with the help of others.