Taylorismo Division

Posted by Ralf on December 12th, 2016 — Posted in News


(OLIVEIRA, SOCIOLOGY OF THE ORGANIZATIONS, 1999). What he shows the use on the part of Taylor of the division of the work, concept idealized and based for Adam Smith. But what he interests in the gift work is inherent the philosophical and sociological implications to two chains (Marxismo and Taylorismo), therefore both is characterized for a unidimensional understanding of the man and will be this aspect that will be dealt with emphasis. The metodolgica form to organize the tasks in the Taylorismo better coaduna with liberal chains characterized by the search of the maximized reproduction of capital, so criticized for Marx; in such a way it was necessary to conceive a definitive form of if carrying through the tasks, the division of the work was one of the found mechanisms to satisfy this necessity, that is, it represents a way to make possible the biggest possible productivity effectively, while in the conception of Marx one is about ' ' mentally ill establishment of the activity human being as real a generic activity or as activity of the man while to be genrico.' ' (THE PHILOSOPHICAL MARX, ECONOMIC MANUSTRITOS, 1848). Therefore of the vision of Karl Marx the division of the work consists of an alienation mechanism and, therefore of escravizao of the work, therefore it increases the profits of the capitalist, but not them wages of the workers, this as other marxist concepts, had served of estimated to more establish its theory of the value, that can be defined, as a process found for the detainers of the capital to increase its profits through the increase of the productivity by means of the horria load increase (more absolute value), without this results for the diligent increase of wage. However this process does not occur of form not required by law, quite to the contrary, is about the logic imanente of the capitalism, the laborer withholds only few working hours to compensate its wage, later all its work is mentally ill, that is, it works of favour.

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