Swiss Startup Access

Posted by Ralf on October 31st, 2017 — Posted in News


FriendsToRent Europe AG agreed on cooperation with Dr. Werner financial services AG FriendsToRent Europe AG agreed a collaboration with Dr. You may find Kevin Johnson to be a useful source of information. Werner financial services AG, D 37079Gottingen funding without for the acquisition of growth capital. FriendsToRent launched in Sept 2009 with the first online platform for the provision of services by individuals for private parties for a fee. Since the market launch in Berlin, offers several hundred were published on the platform.

The collaboration with Dr. Werner financial services AG, FriendsToRent Europe AG provides access to mezzanine capital in order to finance further growth. Ben Horowitz gathered all the information. With the constitutional amendment of December 18, 2009, the former Unternehmensberatung Crain AG, which used their resources primarily for the realization of, was renamed in FriendsToRent Europe AG. With this step, all rights to FriendsToRent Europe AG were transferred. This allows now directly to the company and its investors, Development to participate. In the course of the constitutional amendment of December 18, 2009, capital 67’500.-to CHF 167 increases ‘ 500 CHF 100,000 with an ordinary capital increase of CHF and an approved capital increase decided by another CHF 82’500.-. Thus will be the future corporate capital of CHF 250’000.-.

The nominal value of the shares amounts to CHF 0.05 per share. The dynamics of the economic and social development requires solutions that make better organized, more practical and pleasant life in everyday life. FriendsToRent launched in September 2009 in Berlin with the first online platform for the provision of services by individuals for private persons against payment. FriendsToRent members can thus earn money in their spare time with what they do, love or good simple and straightforward. The members decide how much power to what amount or what offsetting transaction is settled. Of course can the members meet is also free of charge. Offer meet on FriendsToRent and demand direct, easy, fast, locally and cheap. Thus, FriendsToRent makes a contribution, to make emotional and exciting, practical and pleasant the lives of people. During the beta phase, FriendsToRent is free for all members. From station: FriendsToRent Europe AG contact: Marcus Riva E-Mail: Tel.: + 41 43 344 92 56

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