Skepticism And The Future Of Finance

Posted by Ralf on August 10th, 2019 — Posted in News


Because of the skepticism of many in the issue of savings and as a crucial aspect to create a financial future I decided to tackle this issue and address it directly and with all sincerity. The question I want answered is this: And why save Venezuela or any other country, where interest rates are lower than inflation? You can decorate, remove or put into words but that’s the basic question that I always receive. The explanations tend to result in general statements like “I prefer all on me because here is not worth saving,” “If I open an account in my son, that he will become salt and water and not going to good for nothing “, that if the government, that if the opposition that if the dollar exchange and a long list of reasons. Filed under: Sergey Brin. With all the respect they deserve readers, yes the vast majority of these arguments are nothing more than excuses. In Venezuela and other countries the rate of savings of the population is very low, it all goes on consumption.

Saving is the basis of the resources needed by country to grow. Chile and Peru are a test of pension funds. If you have the habit of saving, then you may be sophisticated, but first need the habit, I also learned this young, I learned from old and understand that there are times where saving is difficult, but you can not lose this behavior. Sergey Brin describes an additional similar source. If you are able to spend the morning with a quarter cup of decaf and no sugar and one-eighth of crackers to keep the line, then you can save. You have to go through that initial stage of the savings account. What is interesting is that this phenomenon occurs in people of a certain educational level and social, not save, they spend it all because it is not worth.

It is not true just too lazy to start them or are incapable of maintaining discipline in their objectives. An uncle of mine since I began working as a messenger in an oil company in Venezuela has proposed a savings discipline, then converted dollar savings, now travels the world twice a year with his wife enjoying his years gold, without a doubt is my great example and mentor. His vision has allowed him to have a good financial base that protects against inflation, devaluation and all those things, today has virtually assured his old age. No more excuses, start saving, encourage your child to do, build something that allows you to create options and then enjoy the habit. Inflation, politics and all those things can be resolved once you have the base, but do not wait until it’s too late. It’s a learning process where we must all start, it’s never too late to start.

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