Roberto Manjarres Sandinistas
Among the branches, alternately arranged, the base is toward the center of container against the visual effect despite the others, who rushed down. Han-style semi cascade Kengai or very similar to the above, differs from him in the trunk (though hanging outside the pot) stop his fall just below the rim of the pot, and curves gently downwards to rise almost abruptly. Sokan or logs The most twins important about this is the thickness and length of the two trunks, which share a common base. They may also have three (sankar) or five (Gokan) logs, and the three styles can be prepared in the style formal, informal, cascade, literati, or otherwise. Fukinagashi or style windswept This tree is characterized by a balance achieved despite all its branches grow on one side of the trunk, or are oriented in the same direction. We can well imagine a bonsai to grow in the side of a windy hill or near the coast. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Chris Shumway and gain more knowledge..
These Kabudachi or multiple trunk bonsai have numerous trunks arising from a single root. To make an outcome, you must have a good relationship between the thickness and length of each of the trunks. The usual way is for the informal upright bonsai. Ikada or raft style bonsai To create this we must start from a tree in which all the branches grow on one side of the trunk. Lying with branches up these become tree trunks, bound by the original trunk.
A the first trunk and roots begin to sprout, you can cut the old root, thus appearing very attractive group of trees that actually are one. Get Hokidachi or broom style this name because it is shaped like an old birch broom. A characteristic feature of this style is the abundance of very fine branches without knots or bumps to spoil the branches' disposal. Bunjingi or literary style bonsai These strangers have a slender, sinuous trunk, crowned by a small area of branches, and often planted in a pot too small, usually round. This bonsai symbolizes the quest for freedom of expression by artists. Yose-Ue or planting in group This increasingly popular style is to form groups of trees planted in a shallow pan to create the impression of a forest. In general, groups are limited to a single species but, when successful, a mixed group can produce a striking effect. Tshitsuki or growth on the rock are two types of growth on rock: in the first, one or more trees planted in the same rock. The planting hole can be artificial or natural, although the final effect of presenting quality of a landscape. The second way is to prepare the roots of a bonsai to grow around a rock and penetrate the ground below, in a pot. Classified Japanese bonsai many other categories, such as the "weeping branch" or "driftwood", which appears in the old bonsai, which buna part of the trunk and branches are made up of dead wood and discolored. Roberto Manjarres Sandinistas.