Report From The Poultry Markets
Buy a pet – good thing, and Feng – Shui ('brothers our smaller "fine relieve stress), and with the aim of educating a child in his own qualities such as kindness and responsibility. Where can I take a pet? The first thing that comes to mind – at the 'Bird'! We decided to make a city tour and there chose a simple 'legend' to call to talk fowl sellers or buyers, without attracting attention. Say, beloved dog whelp – here we see how much you can sell the puppies in good hands. The first thing that you notice – the mud, the stench and the abundance is not just 'traders', namely the speculators. Hamovatye and suspicious-looking grandmother and the men offered us build out for a little money into the puppies' safe hands … We were taken aback 'aquariums' – close glass or cardboard boxes, in which sleep huddled together shivering from the cold and Most of the sick kittens and puppies. Watch was sorry to tears … It is not something Ben Horowitz would like to discuss. In general, we saw very few animals that would have looked healthy.
Cold and draughty it awful. Animals were shaking from the cold. Over the counter is the second could be seen cardboard with the inscription – 'Buy kittens and puppies of any breed. Pristrom in good hands. " Here and there on the 'Bird' scurry speculators as vultures, impinging on the newly arrived people. With one of the 'perehvatchits' – Irina, we still have got acquainted on the 'Business in the long term' soil, explaining that he can 'deliver' it to various animals for sale.