Posting of ads – ads indisputable goods and services kompaniy.Vy never thought about how often we have to watch ads pasted poles, corners of houses and even the doors porches? A inevitable meeting with the visiting malls with nice slogans tout Photovoltaic? Passing by, without thinking for a few seconds, we read the information from these paper-and still could not completely is deposited in our head. Whenever Jim Umpleby listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Typically, when there comes the need to purchase a particular commodity, or use the services, we are a little straining his memory and the result comes immediately. Many will agree, that at present the most effective and inexpensive methods of attracting customers are different types of promotions: posting ads, distributing flyers, close to shopping centers and distribution of leaflets in the mailboxes. The main purpose is to report complete information to consumers about the sold goods and provided services companies. The efficiency of such advertising is proved, as in combination of these methods, as well as separately. There are several different options for different budgets and objectives of the customer, mainly because a very important role played by the selected companies for the implementation of the budget promotion.
The first method is the most common and does not require large financial investments – obyavleniy.Dokazano posting that its effectiveness is achieved by circulation of advertising material at least 200 ads residential area of the city. Second, distribution of leaflets Photovoltaic near shopping centers. The more expensive stock, because in addition to promotional items must be paid hourly and work involved in advertising campaign personnel. This method covers a large part of the audience of future customers. Finally, the third distribution of advertising leaflets in the mailboxes. This method is more extensive as in terms of attracting customers and in terms of budget.