Mediumsized Businesses
Medium-sized businesses in transition challenges for CEOs In the run-up to the first CEO Summit said what problems still on the German companies come to Professor Dr. Jorg Freiling with marcus evans (Europe) limited about what really constitutes the middle class, and what opportunities are available here. What does SME mean? The middle class has many faces, but you can not applicable to capture the characteristics of this company alone according to holding size. Rather, there are qualitative criteria that compared with large companies and global make up the difference and advantages of the middle class players: large farms, which are often involved in the international capital markets, a governance structure can be found mostly with managers who are constantly under short-term pressure by supervisory bodies and the assessment of the financial markets. Poor quarterly figures immediately accompanied by the concern for the contract extension. In the middle-class ownership and management, however, coincide.
For far-sighted and long-term entrepreneurship are there real games rooms. Task focus and personnel structure in the comparison are much more transparent structured medium-sized companies. The relations of employees with each other but also to the leadership are usually personalized, the entrepreneur knows his staff. This is a totally different operating climate, the procedures are becoming a total, which facilitates the coordination and communication. As medium-sized businesses are often family run, a strong substantive cohesion and stronger commitment of employees not infrequently is, if base and tip work harmoniously together. Large and complex enterprises both coordination and motivation benefits, you must use persists.
Last but not least, medium-sized and large companies on the type of task structure differ. While you globally exploit their efficiency and experience player through Division of labor and specialization, medium-sized companies have more flexible and more generally acting employees.