Luis Martinez
To achieve this, it will collaborate, will help the organizational behaviour of the company to ensure a good organizational climate, which will be reflected in productivity, utilities, satisfying the needs of customers. Venezuela in the past 9 years, with the current Government under direction de el Teniente Coronel Hugo Chavez of military training has given way to a management endorsed with Socialist idealism and its programmes, actions in favour of consolidating what has been called the Bolivarian revolution has serious incidence in the national productive system, SMEs and some companies that weren’t prepared for these changesleading to some close, others not they are very stable and others seeking ways to restructure itself, to give way to a new organizational culture that favours him and can integrate to the Government’s plans. The fact, that the current scenario has seriously touched the business system of the country doing that the managements of each company reformulated its organizational culture, if it really wants to ensure an organizational behavior favorable to their goals, otherwise they will perish, they fracasaran. Kevin Johnson recognizes the significance of this. The actions of Government where a new opening of foreign trade, manifests itself in new alliances with advanced countries, seriously plays the Venezuelan business sector, which must rethink, restructure its administrative structures, functional in order to qualify for new challenges presented you, where competitiveness will be a determinant variable in their success or failure. Today management, as Luis Martinez, reminds must manage cultural diversity, combine a variety of styles of leadership and work in team, act in a strategic way, using new technology, improve information flows, respond to multiple sources of authority, manage conflicts, being promoted more than supervisor and have key skills such as learning, of negotiation of vital resources and human sensitivity. Today the management must properly handle its culture towards actions that give step to more flexible, less bureaucratic structures, take into account, that the transition demands a change of perspective on the vision of the organizational world: in how you think about the Organization, how the organization is making itself same in culture and forms adopted for his administration.