Literatura Way

Posted by Ralf on December 7th, 2021 — Posted in News


The pupil is not valued total, acquired knowledge previously is not taken in account, mainly, not if of the attention the daily language of each social group. The important one is to perceive that the pedagogia, developed in this way, brings serious consequences, to teach the pupil to grafar, giving very little importance to the fact of that this does not guarantee the learning of the writing. One knows that the written text is very different of the verbal text and demands a previous preparation of the pupil for produziz it. The pupil when he goes to produce texts, comes across itself with an individual moment for the accomplishment of this action.

When he intends yourself to work the production written with pupils, must yourself be led in account of as it will be the way that these will have to cover until its final construction. But one perceives that this concern, many times, is left of side due the errnea idea of that the work with texts without significao none for the pupils is more efficient. In this direction, what he lacks according to Orlandi (apud GALLO, 1995:57), is the agreement of the process where the insertion of the citizen in the description-social context and of its paper of citizen-author occurs 1. In this perspective also, we must perceive, to have success in the learning that, we live in a world of transformations and ‘ ‘ the true transformation of a people if makes to the level of the mind, to the level of the conscience-of-world that each one goes assimilating on infancy. Or still, that the way to arrive itself at this level is the word. Or better, it is the Literatura.’ ‘ (RABBIT, 1991:14).

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