Holy Spirit
So as to let us convince ourselves that we are more than that, our fear disappears at that time or is reduced. Mustang contributes greatly to this topic. Then as summary see: 1st) we have an ego that we mistakenly believe that it makes us succeed in life. 2 ) Feeds the ego of the fear. And in which final result is what produces the fear? Therefore fear prevents that the Holy Spirit intervenes to fulfilling our desire, since the same (subconscious) is who intercedes between our conscience and God (supraconsciente). And here is where this change in thinking that I am talking about above materializes. Not competing with others and taking us to our ego makes us believe that we have fear. And you achieve the above? Countering the fear of love, the love of God (by the same and through the love that we offer to our fellow) knowing that God will give us everything we ask and we correspond, because by giving you love we are not doing something else that having faith in him. When I say love I mean the feeling of wishing the other better, even if that person is not good and until even have done us something wrong.
Not to say that they go and give him a pat on the back, but only with his own spirit wish them (give love) the best thing for him or it. So understand this them I’ll give an example (always try to materialize these teachings that I learn from other established authors, through my own practical experiences). A few months ago I spent outside an Office of a colleague, which had newly opened it (it was beautiful and tastefully). Before this and knowing that its holder in the past had not behaved professionally in the correct form with me, I could have acted with envy and wishing you the worst.