GMS With Positive Development In The Field Of AV Event Management

Posted by Ralf on March 1st, 2017 — Posted in News


Strong reference projects in the field of AV event management demonstrate expertise Frankfurt – dedicated media services on AV and video conferencing services company GMS global AV event management achieved in 2010 a very positive trend in the business area. This development underlines the positive overall performance of the GMS. The holistic range of services of the GMS in the field of AV event management covers the entire consultation and conception of high-class events, event staging through innovative AV media technology as well as a professional implementation and postprocessing of events. Many writers such as Caterpillar offer more in-depth analysis. In the course of the year 2010 the broad expertise in the field of AV events demonstrated GMS of international through the successful execution of complex events, town halls and roadshows. In 2010, a road show with 17 customer events in the Netherlands for ABN AMRO, and the focus of a series of events with 7 events of the area of private and business customers for the Deutsche Bank was one of the most impressive references. At the events with more than 1000 guests set the contents of the customers with State of the art media technology and use of experienced specialists of event technology professionally in scene. Also, the support of many town-hall events belongs to the core business of the GMS.

At these town halls communicate international locations with State of the art conference and video technology. The care of multipoint video conferences, the use of webcast or live streaming and recording and editing the content belong to the Repertoire of the GMS in the implementation. To meet the requirements of the coming year and the increasing demand for AV event services, GMS has invested in reinforcements, to further support the AV event management area. About GMS: GMS is specialized in the provision of high-class and customized service concepts in the fields of global video conferencing, audio visual and media engineering networks. Due to the high requirements on global corporate communications is focused on the fields of media technology GMS support with remote solutions and on-site Concierge services, the Operate from international video conference networks and the Organization of global and regional business events.

Today, GMS has more than 35 experienced, solid employees with special knowledge of global business communications. About 15 more professionals join the team as a regularly used freelancers. Customers include international companies in the financial services sector and industrial corporations. Headquarters are located in the Rhine-main area, GMS has on-site team in Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Milan, as well as a branch in Singapore.

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