Curve Pandora
And what is most offensive – the most, it would seem the height of happiness. ‘Beginners luck’ – you think, achieving the first vertex in the new case. And – again! Yam! Dirty, deep and humiliating. The first desire – to give up. But, in light of the above formula, you will never achieve success without having met with failure.
Because they – 2 sides of the same. Do not mistake the one who does nothing. And this not simply folk wisdom or ‘positive thinking’. This is – the law of learning. And from him going anywhere. This psychological law has been named ‘Pandora’s Curve’ (accent on first syllable) in honor of its discoverer Professor Ogendfordskogo University, Albert Bandura. Through research, he found a definite connection between our beliefs and the actual execution of specific actions. Skills development always occurs in 4 stages (see below Illustration of ‘Pandora’s Curve’) curve Pandora – Step 1.
‘Luck is a beginner. ” At this stage, people start a new business, ready to ‘move mountains’ and tend to overestimate their abilities, about which said curve expectations, rising above the curve Reality. This causes the body to mobilize the enthusiasm of hidden reserves, the man is doing more, higher and stronger. Hence – a good result. Curves rapidly and almost simultaneously go up. But here comes Curve Pandora – Step 2. ‘Limit’. Namely – the rookie comes to the limit of their capabilities and abilities to date. Indicators are no longer growing, but reality slowly begins to diverge from expectations, as seen in curve. At this stage, one enthusiastic enough. Extensive growth is time-intensive to replace. If a person does not understand this, we will inevitably come a new phase. Curve Pandora – Step 3. ‘Crisis’. Occurs all the fall performance, and along with them – and rose-colored glasses with the nose:). Frustration and stress. The man has really appreciated what it takes and the curve becomes flat Expectations (define bar), reality is dramatically decreasing. And now here comes the branching scenarios, which depends on the behavior of the person. Curve Pandora – Stage 4-A. ‘Success’ (black lines). This option is only possible, if people do not give up. But this is not enough. Must also soberly assess the situation and draw conclusions. In the terminology of lr Hubbard’s man in a state of danger. In this case, you must perform two actions: a) stop doing those wrong things that you really do, and b) start doing something else that will help you. In this case, you need to stop spoiling their works and to begin to learn. Acquire new skills, improve skills and find new strategies. Nova stage begins. But people are already prepared and knows what to do. Curve Pandora – Step 4-b. ‘Failure’ (red lines). People amenable to persuasion and weakness ‘well wishers’ and throws the job. The only thing that affects the distribution of scenarios – the belief in yourself and devotion case. The article turned out great. So what conclusions I will write tomorrow. Try to keep track of their versions of success and failure.