And Ecology Veganism
And ecology Veganism Veganism is part of the animal movement for animal rights, not the environmental movement. The animal or animals movement and the environmental movement or environmentalism are two distinct movements, the first is concerned with individuals specific animals and the second by the conservation of species (abstract) animals and plants. Veganism and ecology converge on one point: many animals need a suitable environment to live, and everyone in order to have better health, need air, water and uncontaminated food. Jenna Fischer has firm opinions on the matter. According to a recent report of the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): “The livestock sector generates more greenhouse gases-18 percent, measured in equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2 ) – the transport sector.It is also a major cause of land degradation and water resources. “Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) CIWF The 1999 report on” Industrial Livestock and the Environment “(Factory Farming and the Environment) reads: “The production of animal protein is an inefficient use of water resources and land. Farm animals convert plant protein into animal protein with a low-efficiency generally around 30 -40 and only 8 for the production of beef-.(..) In the next two decades, will become much more urgent the problem of how to feed at least 8,000 million people while protecting the natural resources of land, water, air and wildlife.The length of intensive animal factories around the world can not be considered as a sustainable solution. “CIWF (Citation Abbreviation) Consumption patterns in developing countries are changing to a diet containing increasingly higher proportions of products animal, aggravating the problem in the coming years. The projections of the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), due to increased population and purchasing power of countries as China and India, indicate that unless the trend reverses, the meat and milk production will double by 2050.
Sources of daily energy consumption globally differentiating between developed countries and countries in developing.The fact that consumption patterns in developing countries ( 90 of global population) are going to switch to a diet with high proportions of animal products suggests that aggravate the ecological problem of inefficient agriculture. Reports of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) say the rapid growth in sales of Brazilian beef has accelerated the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends said in an interview that “We are destroying the Amazon to feed cows” .On April 6, 2006 Greenpeace International launched its report Devouring the Amazon, which talks about the deforestation that is occurring in the Amazon jungle to introduce soy crops and how that ends up being exported soybeans to feed cattle that ends up serving the food in fast food chains and supermarkets On January 29, 2009 Greenpeace International launched its report Impact of livestock in the Amazon, which charts a map of the pastures in the Brazilian Amazon state Mato Grosso to identify deforested areas currently used for farming purposes and compare with those for crops. On the other hand one can say that farming is only part of the problem and vegetable production also brings environmental problems as waste of resources and impoverishment of soils. These plants, however, are mostly for livestock feed itself, that is, to produce meat, not to be consumed by humans. this, the UN recommends that to combat climate change, the best option would be to reduce meat consumption to achieve something in the short term. In October 2009, Lord Stern, the head of the fight against climate change United Kingdom, said in an exclusive interview with British daily The Times that the only way to save the world is that the entire planet becomes vegetarian.