Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’

Personal Stories

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

What is this personal history? This is the story of our lives. Or, more precisely, what we think and feel about our our lives. The fact that we used to take his personal story – is a complex combination of all images itself at different points in our lives. These images are collected by us from various sources – from our ideas about itself and its role in the world, from the socially accepted standards of conduct "normal person" from ideas about other people we made aloud. Day after day we have paraphrased myself and other various episodes of his life, taking into account all these factors. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Coal Funding on most websites. And gradually we begin to perceive them as reality, not as our own interpretation.

This is becoming our personal istoriey.A now prepare for the shocking truth We each have two Personal Stories! One of these "external" – one that we tell others – for example, about their life plans and goals. The second – "internal" – that which we unconsciously tell ourselves and under which we live at the dele.U one "external history", ie aims is the same "internal history", ie with motivation and confidence in its success. Such a man of action, and nothing prevents him to embody the desired reality. And another "external history" (in our example – "I want to open a business) does not coincide with the" internal history "(inventing excuses instead of action). The result – an internal conflict, stupor, razocharovanie.Vse know that in order to achieve at least a little bit of success need to act.

Intelligent Space Units

Friday, February 14th, 2020

Peace be with you, people of Earth! You are all now living on planet Earth, are witnesses letting your entire solar system, and even in the spiritual evolution of our Galaxy. If you speak the language of your notions of space-time continuum, we can say this: in 2013 (commonly accepted in most nations of the Earth time-calculation) humanity of the Earth along with all other sentient beings in your Solar System and the Galaxy will make a unique in its importance quantum leap, not like one of those with a strict periodicity occurred in the universe before. Mankind has come close to the end of the time period in 26.000 earth years, which completely covers one of the next cycle of large-scale dynamic space-based system called 'constellation Pleiades – the sun – the planet Earth. Read more here: Andreessen Horowitz. " Currently, your Sun or as we call it 'Solar Ring' revolves around Alcyone, the central stars in the constellation Pleiades. The uniqueness of the upcoming evolutionary quantum leap is that of the Pleiades constellation, which includes solar and your system, and is about to end his stay in orbit around the galactic center, where Constellation was on the last 230,000,000 years (according to your time-calculation). Add to your understanding with Kevin Johnson.

In addition, our entire galaxy has already come to the end point infinitely longer by the length of the period of his stay in orbit rotation around the Great Central Sun of All That Is. All three of these cycles – Galaxy (on its evolutionary level) – Constellation of the Pleiades (in its level) – Your solar system (with all its planets, including Earth) – to be completed almost simultaneously, synchronously, in order not to disturb the dynamic equilibrium of the entire system. Once this happens, immediately begin a new, far more complex and higher for each of the components of this system of Intelligent Space Units evolutionary cycle. This event will happen (or rather, in the timeless continuum, it has already happened) to you, earthlings, in 2013: at the same time and simultaneously begin the next cycle of evolutionary development of the Earth's length of 26.000 years and start to unwind at the new level the next round of the great cosmic spiral galaxy around the Great Central Sun of All That Is. And nothing can stop this grandiose in scale space quantum leap.

After all, we're not just talking about the fate of your planet, but the fate of billions other planets and systems, which are also members of this unique and wonderful transition in their spiritual evolution. As our Brother Oris has an indirect relation to the evolution of the constellation Orion, it will demonstrate just said on the example of the system of the Stars. So when the Pleiades Constellation completes the passage from the orbit of its present spiral, the position of this system with respect to Orion at the root of change, leading to global disasters at all sites of Orion. On the outer language, this means the karmic and spiritual cleansing that is associated with the invasion of this system Stars about 300.000 years ago, invaders from the constellation Lyra, which obstructed access to the Galactic Gate. To prepare for movement to a new evolutionary spiral, the entire Milky Way with all its systems have already entered a period of cleansing the karmic patterns of the past. Next ….

Human Capabilities

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

Human capabilities in truth are endless! After reading all the books of Carlos Castaneda, I was intrigued by what a man. Clairvoyance, teleportation, levitation, parallel worlds, meeting with beings from other worlds and more. In addition to the theory and practice there cited. Honestly, I have those tales do not quite believe, until he decided to check on their own experience. I began to practice the dream. The first lesson had to see their hands in sleep. I'm somewhere around a week trying to do it, but to no avail. In short I threw a bad job and forgot about it.

And then, one night in my dreams I saw my hands. To say that I was impressed to say nothing. I was shocked! On the moment I realized that I was standing next to the bed, where peacefully snuffle my mortal body. I turned and looked. He was not there. But it was not important, important thing was that all about what Castaneda wrote, it was true! I tried go ahead, but could not budge. Suddenly I remembered that the book describes a similar problem.

We had to move as if you metesh trunk floor. In a state of wild euphoria reached the kitchen. Here's my account delayed at the sink, or more precisely on the mixer. Simple Chinese mixer shone so beautifully that I wanted to approach him. I stared at so much that I forgot about control, and that it was necessary to constantly keep an eye on their own hands. And I woke up. Now I knew that the barrier is broken and the enormous opportunities opened up before me. Who would I not now be argued that the psychics do not exist, it's crooks, no aliens, etc., than anything proving test on their own experience, and then we'll talk.