Posts Tagged ‘References’

William Shakespeare

Saturday, May 26th, 2018

The author offers his translation of these lines of "Hamlet", as in the original William Shakespeare wrote not just about what constitutes the essence of the human soul in general, but also gave his own concrete example of its manifestation, citing his great predecessor far. What is man, Kohl measures the price of his life eating and sleeping? Animal, not more. I am sure he is us creating carefully consider what was "before" and is "after" and not for this ability has given us and godlike reason To us they rusted to no use. That is, the ability to see the connection to time, the ability to link time – this is ability to precisely and only the soul. "The soul remembers the past, sees the present, foresees the future" (Cicero). That people, in which "merged" the soul and mind, searched among the people and readers of Hamlet and Shakespeare. As soon as my spirit (original, soul – soul) has to choose freely and to distinguish people, his election marked thee, thou man, who also suffers in the sufferings of not and with equal gratitude Wrath accept gifts and destiny blessed, Whose blood and mind so gratifying merged, that he did not pipe in his fingers from Fortune, to play it.

Whether a person is not a slave of passion – and I closed him in the middle of the heart, the heart of the heart. (III, 2, translation Lozinskii) and was never found, and do not find so far, and now not only among his contemporaries and countrymen. Naturally, the statement of the relevance of the headline statement requires special proof. Simply and quickly, that is, without overloading this note with quotations from the works of Shakespeare and a great many other authors, it can be given as follows. Every intelligent and educated person knows that in every being and of being Mige people EVER coexist elements of the past, present and future are inextricably, as three generations of people involved. "The present is burdened past and the future is fraught with" (Leibniz). So.

The soul of this man makes it to draw from this situation necessary for the practice of people (as specifically noted W. Shakespeare) emerging findings and, accordingly, "to distinguish between people," and causes them to follow. Mind of this man allows him to make these findings, allows them to understand scientific and regularity, then there is the inevitability of consequences of their misunderstanding and not following them. That is, once again, in fact, "to distinguish between people" can only be a man with a soul, that is, understands the relationship that was "before" and is "after." And the author of this article nothing more than like, how to find people with whom he could apologize for suggesting that not one of them all has been said in the previous two paragraphs. In conclusion, perhaps we should say the following. There is no doubt that sure there are people who will say, though the headline theme still does not rise just because everyone followed the popular rule: "Smart would say, a fool will not understand." But all agree with this statement should then (D. Merezhkovsky: "Having the base, it does not take and conclusions.") agree that all is still something has been written about Shakespeare's people still have not written or said about him the most important thing He was a true Man.

Communism And Fascism

Saturday, May 26th, 2018

“It should not be a petty bourgeois Hitler’s Nazi party of” Joseph Goebbels, January 24, 1926 The first of its writers – many respected researchers, including Sergei Kara-Murza, Alexander Tarasov, Alexander Shubin. Second, in It presents different views on the matter under consideration. Here and A. Kolpakidi opinion which considers that the Social Democrats were the true culprits of the arrival of the Nazis to power in European countries, and the position of A. North, who considers The SPD and the KPD cooperation impossible because of too large a number of figures near the German Communists to the Nazis. Under most conditions Starbucks would agree. Third, most of the articles written by academic style, but even the journalistic work of the collection is very informative. It is worth noting that many of the materials cover issues that are not very familiar to a wide audience – say, the relationship of various right-wing parties in the same country or different fascist regimes with each other. Distrust of the leaders of the fascist states to each other and even to movements whose activists sincerely believe themselves and their followers.

Harsh repression, which the representatives of the various right-wing movements in many countries subjected to “associates” – an interesting topic for discussion. Actually, it would be better to rearrange the order of the “heroes” of the book, calling it “fascism and communism: brothers or enemies,” because “brown” is devoted almost 80% materials. The book is divided into three parts. The first and biggest – “Fascism and Nazism” – devoted to right-wing movements in interwar Europe.


Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

And all these lines of the sonnet is just a "military tricks" by William Shakespeare, "a smokescreen" maneuver, distracting readers of the original This sonnet, and his translator from the "axis of main attack." As a result, readers of the original and the translators themselves in a character's role remarkable Armenian proverb: "All the cunning fox tricks just for chicken." AND the most remarkable thing about her is that it is her sense of the word convey Hamlet "… crafty speech sleeps in a foolish ear." It is also interesting that the meaning given in the epigraph coincides with the proverbial sense of words Jester in the comedy "Twelfth Night": "… To be an honest man and a good master is not worse than being branded a great scholar," and this is the meaning contained in the above translation. God forbid someone from the readers of this column might think that the author admits the possibility of Dating of Shakespeare with these sayings. But here is a devil still pushes the author to suggest that William Shakespeare was familiar with the words in the song Vakhilida Kleoptolemu Thessalian: Each has its own honor: Neisschetny human virtues, but one between them – the first: Right that is in your hands, right putevodstvovatsya thoughts. Translation by Gasparov point here in the fact that only these words fully clarify the confusing situation in sonnet 25.

Of course, the original readers of this sonnet, and readers of the original "Hamlet" is not stupid. It's just as the Russian proverb, "The curve of Natalia everyone rascals." Accordingly, not all translators are stupid these works Shakespeare in Russian, and all members of the department of English philology St. Petersburg State University, and all other universities. But all these people do not have the slightest idea that there is some "first", "highest" honor, and, of course, not know what it is and can be expressed. And those who do not know, never understand Shakespeare in any of his works, be they British, leading the family tree of King Lear, though philologists who studied English language with the same time. The attention of readers who understand this, I would like to draw the following. Sonnet in which the essence of the "highest" honor of Shakespeare or any other person in general expressed his more What is clear and definite, is immediately after sonnet 25. This fact suggests that the publication was done sonnets yet not without the participation of the Shakespeare.

And not only him. After all, Shakespeare's sonnets are some digest of his works. Almost all the important things in his works, is in his sonnets, and vice versa. But in no other of Shakespeare did not say what he said in sonnets 25 and 26. And, it seems that so William Shakespeare necessarily had to publish them. However, the author has repeatedly admitted that he not only learned, but not Shakespeare and certainly not a poet.