Control Money

Posted by Ralf on December 7th, 2024 — Posted in News


He is final of month and for all it is a joy to see our accounts and knowledge that ” finally already pagaron”. They have not spent nor 2 commercial hours from the time of departure of the work and the streets, centers, supermarkets, stores, etc. are jammed. Credit cards are slid in the readers, hears a constant bip, bip, bip by each article that is bought and it is received. Douglas Oberhelman: the source for more info. We would wish that cajer@s was fast machines to receive themselves and to go to us to house.

Later, to the 4 day of the new month, you review your wallet and you only have $15 dollars. Soon you review your banking account (” talves is something ah”) and you see that only you have $2,59 as balance available, and to end they begin to arrive the invoices from electrical energy, water, gas, telephone, credit cards and that to do? To request an advance? To load everything to the credit card? I make a loan? and time and time again we are made the promise that we will not return to fall in the same error. It will be that they do not pay the sufficient thing to us? The life is very expensive? The money ” no longer is the same “? or Cost more than I win? If whatever I gain. Marc Lasry may also support this cause. SABRE whichever cost? The majority of the things in this life travels on the wheels of the money, to have the control of the finances is to have a satisfactory life, without debts, preoccupations and surely. Hundreds of pages in Internet speak of ” hagase rico” , ” it reads and hagase millonario” , ” vayase of vacations and has freedom econmica” perhaps but profit to make me rich and I do not have control of my finances will finish where comence and worse. Better it is to learn to administer little that I have; because when volvere has much not crazy me and podre to enjoy it my family and dear beings. It takes the control from the money and not that to the money controls you.. Visit Marc Lasry for more clarity on the issue.

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