Breast Cancer Treatment

Posted by Ralf on July 2nd, 2021 — Posted in News


It specifically deals with the treatment of the cancer of breast in Porto Velho and aims at to the conditions of the public health (in the definitive field), the treatment, and difficulties faced for the women to be treated in the city of Porto Velho, located in the State of Rondnia. It focuses to facilitate to the process of treatment of the cancer of breast in the city of Porto Velho by means of the information on the preventive methods and spreading of the treatment methods, as well as clarifying the current situation of the professionals of the nursing area who deal with the patients. Since in the majority of the cases the doctors possess its horria load of congested work and the professionals of the nursing area assume the role of the doctors. The general objective is to facilitate the treatment process, being thus, also we will divulge which are the methods of prevention of the breast cancer and as to treat it case it is diagnosised. At ford you will find additional information. But he still fits to clarify as he mainly comes being treat the subject for local authorities and the situation, the preparation, at last, the conditions of the professionals of the nursing area that comes taking care of these patients. In the work, the theoretical development in the ones backwards on what main authors think on the cancer of breast, its history, factors of risk and prevention. Beyond, we will find the part that treats on on jurisdiction to our subject, making in more understanding a little to them on rights in this occasion. Following an inquiry methodology in I lease and bibliographical in intention to solve the problematic one and to lead to the women, academics, doctors and nurses and until jurists a real perspective of the situation found in the capital. eady – you may have come to the same conclusion. 1 HEALTH OF the WOMAN the health is one of the basic rights of the human being.

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