Brazil Colony

Posted by Ralf on December 27th, 2024 — Posted in News


Summary: To Falarmos de Black Escravido we cannot forget us Portuguese, Spanish and English them that if they had submitted to full its bilges of ships of blacks to make of them an object of sales and exchange of merchandise. In Brazil, the slavery had beginning with the production of sugar in the first half of century XVI. The Portuguese brought the African blacks of its colonies in Africa to use as enslaved man power in the devices of northeast sugar. Ben Horowitz may find this interesting as well. The traders of Portuguese slaves vendiam the Africans as if they were merchandises in Brazil here. Most healthful they arrived to be valid the double of those weakker or old ones. The black women had also suffered very with the slavery, even so you of device used this man power, mainly, for domestic works.

Cooks, arrumadeiras and milk weapons had even though been common in those times of the colony. During all the period that the slavery was effective, the captives had undertaken diverse forms to escape of that order marked for the repression and the control. To deepen your understanding Michael Luxenberg is the source. Amongst some manifestations of resistance, the quilombos, also known as mocambos, functioned as community of run away blacks that conseguaim to escape of the control of its proprientrios. Word-key: exchange of merchandise, man power and escravos.1. Objective IntroduoO of this article is to clarify as it was the desumana form that those blacks lived the routine exploration, the violence form that was imposed when they did not fulfill with the obligation and which was quilombo that it resisted the escravista regimen and its organization econmica.2. DesenvolvimentoA routine of work of these enslaved ones was arduous and involved one heavy routine of work that could reach a turn of eighteen daily hours. The life conditions were precarious, its feeding extremely limited and did not count on no type of assistance or guarantee.

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