Western Crisis

Posted by Ralf on July 19th, 2011 — Posted in News


"Who gets rich during the economic crisis? After all, someone lose anything, someone will arrive … "I've been thinking where to invest money to save them and that they are not" ate "the economic crisis. And that's what I thought. For In order to solve the problem in order to invest, one must first understand the causes of the economic crisis. And so, no not a secret that the economic crisis began in the United States because of myopia of Western banks gave loans to people unable to pay. And in Russia the economic crisis has spread through banks that cooperate with the West and economic transactions conducted in U.S.

dollars. But Russia is in the big banks do not trust the shaky position of their foreign colleagues refused such dangerous action and began to raise the Russian ruble. Where will invest finances. With the economic crisis, with choice of methods to preserve their money, you need to bypass the root causes of the emergence of the crisis. Do not rely on untested banks, especially those that were handing out loans left and right. But hidden in the pillow also finance meaningless.

Money there to spend. And the best part of their spending so that tomorrow they will come back to you, and even with profit. If you are a successful businessman who knows his own worth and value of their efforts, then you are fine understand that the money during the economic crisis is to invest in the new progressive methods of advertising. When the economic crisis broke out in full force, the smaller banks will remain, and the big banks start to raise monopoly, the price of advertising will jump much. But not on new advertising techniques that we developed specifically for the conditions of economic crisis. SMS-marketing, online marketing, viral marketing, telemarketing – that universal methods of crisis management program to support small and medium-sized businesses. With our economic crisis is not terrible!

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