Sweat Windows
Sunday, December 8th, 2024Paradox – The better windows made of wood – the worse you are buying quality breathe the windows to protect against noise and cold from the street, but then forced them open so as not to suffocate, resulting in something from which are trying to protected. Frequently Marc Lasry has said that publicly. In winter, open window fast vystuzhivaet room, without having to air it, and the proposed special slotted vent miss little air (requires 40-60 m3 per person) and no problems solve, but still worth the extra money to better spent on actual problem solving, rather than half-measures. Why is it raises humidity? Washer, flowers, cooking, after all, the man himself. All this leads to the fact that mist wooden windows, blackens the ceiling in the bathroom, fall off the wallpaper. You notice that things go bad, but not immediately notice that you lose your health. There is an allergy, often cold, accumulated fatigue, decreases immunity. The reason is that our health, performance, and simply being largely determined by conditions of climate and air pollution in areas where we spend most of their time. And what is the air, what is its freshness, purity depends on the availability and quality of ventilation.
Not only is the building and decoration materials, furniture, household equipment are sources of pollutants, odors, moisture in the atmosphere of the room, and we, as the saying goes: 'inhale oxygen and exhale all crap'. Contrary to popular belief conditioners (split system) will not solve this problem. Their task – to maintain the desired temperature. Can be long and successfully to cool or heat the air unfit for breathing, to help in this situation can only properly organized system of ventilation. In order to ventilation work, you must organize a flow of air and extract. If there is no air flow, the hood is not working and no air enters the room where there are people. If there is no exhaust, then the premises do not exhaust air is removed. Supply and extract must work together to provide the correct balance of air in the house.
So, we need fresh air in the room where we sleep, work or relax in the number of 40-60m3/chas on man. In places where the smells are allocated, there is excessive humidity and temperature (eg, kitchen, bathroom, closet, etc.) should definitely make the hood to remove all that poisons our lives. In some homes types of natural extract works well and does its job (for example, in the very high buildings), but if not, you have to help her with the usual exhaust fan. The result of normal operation of supply and ventilation reduce indoor humidity. The windows will no longer sweat!