Posts Tagged ‘education’

Editorial Board Articles

Friday, March 6th, 2020

3. Re-publication of articles in other languages is not forbidden, if its submission to the editors of the new magazine will be given the source. 4. In presenting the report in the journal the study authors should accompany him on a list of references to related topics, including articles in other languages and are in print. 7. Plagiarism Plagiarism Terms may be manifested in different ways: from use of ideas borrowed from published and unpublished materials, including requests for funding new research, to transfer to a foreign journal articles with a modified list of authors, sometimes in another language. Microsoft shines more light on the discussion. Plagiarism can occur at any stage of research, including in its planning and execution, writing this article and its publication (no matter in what form the report is submitted – in electronic or printed form). Practical steps 1.

The report of the study should result in all data sources prior to use large blocks of text or images from other publications must first obtain the permission of the authors. 8. Perhaps check out Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ for more information. Duties of the General Editors Editors determine the style of the magazine. Usually they get the reins from the hands of other editors and try to pass to his successors a viable publication. Most editors involved in the development of editorial policy and the formation of a strong team of experts. Editors should consider and harmonize the interests of many parties, including readers, authors, other staff edition of the journal owners, members of the Editorial Board, advertisers and the media. Practical steps 1.

The Management

Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

The reciprocity reigns in this relation I and YOU, and in this meeting of convivncia, if it detaches the valuation of autoestima, the mutual care and the communitarian life, some of many aspects referenciados for Sousa, Miguel and Lima (2010). It is in the convivialidade that we can establish a genuine and reciprocal relation, with possibilities to establish a care and affection relation. Changes will only happen from the moment where to recognize the child and the adolescent in its contexts and necessities. Freire (1996) observes that the educator must have respect for educating as well as would have obtains proper. adds The respect to the autonomy and the dignity of each one is an ethical imperative and a favor that we can or not to grant ones to the others. … The professor whom the curiosity of educating, its aesthetic taste, its inquietude, its language disrespects, more necessarily, its syntax and its prosdia; the professor who ironiza the pupil, minimizes who it, that he orders that ‘ ‘ it if puts in its lugar’ ‘ to the most tenuous signal of its legitimate revolt, as much how much the professor who if exempts of the fulfilment of its duty to consider limits to the freedom of the pupil, who if steals to the duty to teach, to be respectfully present to the formadora experience of educating, transgresses basically ethical principles of our existence.

(FREIRE, 1996, P. 66, grifo of the author) The Management of the Well-taken care of preza for an overcoming of the violncias, stimulating a democracy accomplishes. A convivncia that is solidary from the construction of a peace culture where all the actors must be involved. Get all the facts and insights with Crimson Education , another great source of information. This new to think directs about them to the autocrtica, making to rethink our attitudes. A school that it protects requires that its management is of care, that the people if find and if they feel stimulated to express its conflituosos points of view, its ideas regarding what they know and they believe, so that the divergences are dealt with respect and consolidate the relevance of the diversity in a group of with-experience..

Hubble Space Telescope

Friday, February 7th, 2020

Shell consisting of gas, break away from the surface of these stars, often forming intricate and beautiful forms, and shining, illuminated by harsh ultraviolet radiation from the cooling hot central star. Main Ring Nebula, Helix is a width of about two light years, or half the distance between the Sun and its nearest stellar neighbor. Despite the fact that the picture looks quite impressive Nebula, Helix is difficult to see visually, since it goes from light scattered by a slightly wider section of the sky. The story of this discovery quite dark. For the first time this name appeared in the list of new objects, compiled German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding (Karl Ludwig Harding) in 1824.

Title Helix (snail) comes from a rough spiral shape, which can be seen in earlier photographs. Although Helix nebula is very similar to the 'pie' studies have shown that it probably consists of at least two separate discs with outer rings, and fibers. Other leaders such as JPMorgan offer similar insights. The brighter inner disk appears to be expanding at a rate of about 100,000 km / h (about 62.000 miles / hour), and its formation required 12,000 years. Because Helix is relatively close distance from us – it covers an area of the sky, equal to about a quarter of the full moon – it is possible to study in much greater detail than most other planetary nebulae, by the way, it was found that the nebula has an unexpected and complicated structure. All that is inside of the ring, presented in small clumps (bubbles) that are known as 'Comet balls,' with a slightly luminous tails, drawn from the central star.

Despite the fact that they look tiny, each such ball has the size of our solar system. These tangles have been thoroughly studied using both telescopes – ultra telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble) NASA (NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-National Aeronautics and Space Administration space) / ESA (ESA), but there is still much uncertainty. A close look at the central part of the object can detect not only the glomeruli, but also a lot of distant galaxies that are viewed through thinned the veil of glowing gas extending. Some of them, apparently, are collected in separate groups of galaxies, scattered in different parts of the image. Blue-green glow in the center of the nebula is caused by atoms Helix oxygen that glow under the influence of intense ultraviolet radiation with a temperature of 120.000 degrees Celsius (about 216.000 degrees Fahrenheit (F)), emitted by the central star and the hot gas. Further, outside stars and the distance from the rings of the coil becomes more prominent red color due to hydrogen and nitrogen.


Monday, November 11th, 2019

In this context, the culture is had as science: to have culture is to have knowledge and to have knowledge is to have capacity of to take care of to the material and individualistic production. This model of school, technical established in the conception of natural sciences, finished safeguarding for ones few the domain of science and the technology and, consequently, thus obeying, to a conception of professionalization it education. On this subject, express Rasp (1974, p.75), referring it education in Brazil in the pombalina age: ' ' (…) in first the 250 years of the history of the country, our pertaining to school system was constituted of seminaries, what it does not leave of being an education, rigorously, professional, although this type of education today to be called ' ' humanistic ' '. These ' ' colgios' ' they can be considered an elementary type of professional superior education (formation of priests and bureaucrats), what it confirms the teses: ) the modern pertaining to school systems are initiated for superior education, b) superior education were always a professional education, c) what it is called, today, of ' ' humanismo' ' , it was simply. The primitive form of profissionalizao' '. It is noticed that education in Brazil in the pombalina age if articulated in the direction of estratificar the conception of education and, therefore, the function of the educator by means of the privation knowing constituted of them of this educator, interposing itself it enters the speech of the professor and of the pupil for one it says technique and specialized and reducing the context of the classroom to a circulation context to know that few directions and few purposes printed the relation teach/learning. Ahead of this professional model, Contreras says (1997, P. 64): ' ' There basic Idea del model of racionalidad technique you are that there practical profesial consists en there solucin of problems by means of there aplicacin of un conocimiento theoretician y technician, previously disponible, that investigacin proceeds woollen scientific.

Optical Wholesalers

Sunday, November 25th, 2018

Techniques used by a laboratory to manufacture and then inspect the lenses that make are a significant factor that defines whether the wholesale 0pticas should work with them or not. The way that is drilled a pair of eyeglasses frame and then mounts when you are going through the process of manufacturing has much to do with the final result. It is a factor that is associated with the time taken to make the frames as well as the cost of materials, and, above all, the quality of the same glasses for the patient or the respective patient (a). Find a competent, effective and reliable cost of an optical laboratory of selling to the wholesale is something that should be a priority for all independent of vision care providers. These laboratories offer many advantages to the optical that could not be obtained anywhere else. If you are looking for an affordable price as well as top quality products that benefit the eyes of their patients, as well as extras interesting like articles support and the ability to order online, by phone (e) even by fax, a good wholesalers Optics is what you need for your business. What is the difference between an optical wholesalers and another? The secret lies in the quality of its manufacture of lenses. A company that really knows what optics and glass work can provide great optical products to your business. Contact lenses are not all equal. There can be a big difference in quality between the products of one company to another. What is exactly what makes a contact lens is good? Firstly, that is permeable to oxygen. The eyes need oxygen. Therefore, providers must tell customers that must carry their lenses only 10 hours a day maximum. This is also the reason by which contact lenses have to be replaced so quickly. Without adequate oxygen, the eyes appear irritated and may develop bacterial infections. In the long term, the lack of oxygen can permanently damage the eyes. Last in the manufacture of contact lenses is the hydroelectric Silicon gel. This material offers six times permeability to oxygen, making them safer and more durable. Hydraulic silica gel and other new materials as the senofilcon allow that lenses can be used the hours that the user is awake. Reference: Want to know what sunglasses this summer on EF and EF-S of Canon Alberto Claveria saddles

Curve Pandora

Saturday, June 18th, 2016

And what is most offensive – the most, it would seem the height of happiness. ‘Beginners luck’ – you think, achieving the first vertex in the new case. And – again! Yam! Dirty, deep and humiliating. The first desire – to give up. But, in light of the above formula, you will never achieve success without having met with failure.

Because they – 2 sides of the same. Do not mistake the one who does nothing. And this not simply folk wisdom or ‘positive thinking’. This is – the law of learning. And from him going anywhere. This psychological law has been named ‘Pandora’s Curve’ (accent on first syllable) in honor of its discoverer Professor Ogendfordskogo University, Albert Bandura. Through research, he found a definite connection between our beliefs and the actual execution of specific actions. Skills development always occurs in 4 stages (see below Illustration of ‘Pandora’s Curve’) curve Pandora – Step 1.

‘Luck is a beginner. ” At this stage, people start a new business, ready to ‘move mountains’ and tend to overestimate their abilities, about which said curve expectations, rising above the curve Reality. This causes the body to mobilize the enthusiasm of hidden reserves, the man is doing more, higher and stronger. Hence – a good result. Curves rapidly and almost simultaneously go up. But here comes Curve Pandora – Step 2. ‘Limit’. Namely – the rookie comes to the limit of their capabilities and abilities to date. Indicators are no longer growing, but reality slowly begins to diverge from expectations, as seen in curve. At this stage, one enthusiastic enough. Extensive growth is time-intensive to replace. If a person does not understand this, we will inevitably come a new phase. Curve Pandora – Step 3. ‘Crisis’. Occurs all the fall performance, and along with them – and rose-colored glasses with the nose:). Frustration and stress. The man has really appreciated what it takes and the curve becomes flat Expectations (define bar), reality is dramatically decreasing. And now here comes the branching scenarios, which depends on the behavior of the person. Curve Pandora – Stage 4-A. ‘Success’ (black lines). This option is only possible, if people do not give up. But this is not enough. Must also soberly assess the situation and draw conclusions. In the terminology of lr Hubbard’s man in a state of danger. In this case, you must perform two actions: a) stop doing those wrong things that you really do, and b) start doing something else that will help you. In this case, you need to stop spoiling their works and to begin to learn. Acquire new skills, improve skills and find new strategies. Nova stage begins. But people are already prepared and knows what to do. Curve Pandora – Step 4-b. ‘Failure’ (red lines). People amenable to persuasion and weakness ‘well wishers’ and throws the job. The only thing that affects the distribution of scenarios – the belief in yourself and devotion case. The article turned out great. So what conclusions I will write tomorrow. Try to keep track of their versions of success and failure.

IT University

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

The company's team supremum heartily wish you a happy 2010! We wish you brilliant ideas, successful projects, unlimited opportunities for business and personal happiness! You will be able to advance in the field IT for effective business management in projects to business education (MBI) or "point" of master classes in the "living consulting" IT University course: 1. MBI – A new program class MBA with a 'Information Management' – higher education for IT managers. Program is full of specialized MBA program, class, designed to develop competencies in the field of corporate manager information and computer technologies (ICT), the highest qualification (CIO) in accordance with international and domestic standards. More information on the site. Start the first group of 2010 is planned for February. In group 5 seats vacant – Take part in a unique educational project! January 28 we invite you to the presentation of the program MBI, which will be held at the University of Economics and Law "CROC" at: ul. Camp 30-32. 2.

IT University – Training set of master classes covering the subject areas required for effective implementation of the project to create an effective enterprise management information system (MIS) managers. Read more at Online: The basic idea of the project 'IT University' – master-classes in the "living consulting", in which are processed in real work examples corporate customers. Subject Course IT University at the moment covers: Managing IT projects. Features and practice of project management of MIS. Communication Strategy and Development and MIS strategy for the company. Selection, analysis of development options MIS.

Assessing the current state of use of IT. Preparation for the development of MIS. The choice of software. Business modeling. Building a business model is dynamically developing company. Modern concepts of management production company. The use of MRP II, ERP in conditions of Ukraine. Key figures in standardized (QMS, EMS, SMOT) and non-standardized management systems. Sales planning and operations (Executive Sales & Operations Planning) as the main tool for the efficient functioning ERP-systems. Problems of standardization of project activities in the IT field. Review standards. Identification and analysis of business problems (diagnosis). We are willing to adapt any workshop to your needs or develop for you individual course! Tel. (044) 222-68-56 mob. (050) 330-23-11

Average Month

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

Mance one course in this program, you will remember the 25,000 words, phrases and expressions. In this case, remember not only the correct spelling, but pronunciation. Especially effective is the application of this program when you need to quickly learn completely unfamiliar language. For example, a month later you have to visit a foreign country. Yes, exactly a month! If you're in for a month will be given daily exercises forty-five minutes, then at the end of the course you will be able to communicate freely and write a foreign language.

After 25,000 words – it's more than enough to communicate fluently in any language. For example, according to statistics, the average Englishman in everyday uses only 17 thousand words. Therefore, you can easily watch TV read newspapers, books, talk to you just unlearned foreign language. When using the 25-th frame absorption occurs at a subconscious level, so it saves is fundamental, long time. Practice shows that learning a foreign language with 25-Gogh shot is very effective at relatively low cost. This can be seen if we compare the knowledge of two people.

At the same time one person attended a foreign training, and the other studied independently by the method of 25-th frame. And that is? The vast majority of people, studying independently by the method of 25-th frame is much better possession language than the one who taught his courses with foreign language teachers. This is because to find a really high-quality professional courses is very difficult. And these courses will be extremely expensive. Using the technique of 25-frame you are guaranteed to know a foreign language. What has this electronic tutorial you will always have at hand and deal with you at a convenient time for you. And if before that you have had the sad experience of mastering a foreign language, a technique using a 25-second shot will help you in this case. This method of training ensures that you learn a language which to learn. Master – it means that you will be able to communicate with supports this language, read it newspapers, books, watch television, etc. And once again remind you. Forty-five minutes a day for a month, and you master the language unfamiliar to you! And this is with a small financial cost!


Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

You tell me that this is a very highly specialized words. Well, firstly, shtudiruya certificate Photoshop in the English language, you learn a lot and ordinary words. And secondly, what's stopping you put even some software and learn it too. In addition, you have the Internet! Locate in its extensive network of Anglophone sites topics of interest to you. And study them! You will improve your knowledge and you are interested in topics and in English. When you feel that language is a bit mastered, go to the English-language chat rooms, which, incidentally, may well be on those sites that you have studied. And start communicating. Believe me, a very good school for learning the language! Besides, talking on chat rooms, you can find there new friends.

And then communicate with them not only in chat rooms, but also through correspondence. Modern advances in technology allows you to communicate with native speakers directly, not only through correspondence, but also in, for example, using the same program. And this is a help to improve their pronunciation. Such a study of the language will not be a burden to you, and will be fun and interesting, which is an important factor in successful language learning. In parallel, you can place on your computer specialized programs for teaching foreign language (English). For example, the training program with the help of the twenty-fifth frame. Then, the English language from different angles, you are probably quite quickly substantially advance in its study.

The proposed method of teaching a foreign language has many advantages compared with others. First, you choose what to teach and when to teach themselves, adjusting to their own needs and schedule. Secondly, this method of studying a foreign language will essentially save your finances. Third, in addition to mastering a foreign language, you can learn a few useful programs acquire new and most importantly, the necessary knowledge for you, and besides it has and make new friends in different countries.