Select Name Server DNS
On the Internet there are various websites that offer free Web hosting, but most adds adware on your website, very little BandWith, very little space available and more and more advertising, in addition to not let you have an own domain name. They teach to create their own websites, with almost its own domain or if prefer you a free subdomain. > Step 1: First of all, why get a website meets our demands and as is that no one like to have external advertising, and very little space on the website I recommend is 000webhost important note: still fail to register! > Important features: – 100 GB of bandwidth (BandWith) – 1.5 GB of space – PHP, MySQL, FTP – fantastic autoinstaler – Site builder-(very complete) control Panel – no advertising – no limit domains or subdomains – Emails, POP3 email, etc. This site is excellent and I believe that it meets the demands of the majority. > Step 2: Create our domain name. (Ignore if they just want a subdomain) At can register a maximum of 3 domain names by account (free).
You can create a domain name that ends in, for example:, us register at, and record the name that you want. Read additional details here: Blake Krikorian. > Step3: Create an account on the website of accommodation. In this case we will create the account in 000webhost. Within the site we click on Sing UP. Displays a form which we need to fill and in the first box put the domain name that we registered in the previous step in you only want a subdomain, they omit this step and leave the first box blank, and fill the following) Leave this box blank and fill in the rest.
> Step4: Configure the DNS domain. (Ignore for those who created subdomains) Once registered our website in 000webhost the following will appear in the Control Panel above: Your domain is not yet pointing our server, OS services such as FTP, Website Builder or File Manager may not work. You need to update nameservers to, for your domain. This warning will be removed once your domain will start to resolving our server (24-48 hours after nameserver update). We must enter again, and click settings Select Name Server DNS. 2 Boxes will appear to fill in, in those 2 boxes we will introduce and And we will give you to OK or save changes. > Step5: Impatient waiting. Now only haha we hope, between 24 and 48 hours, until our this website 100% ready. > Step6: Install scripts, or templates. Well as our website this list, but there’s nothing. We’ll start with the design. In this the Fantastic control panel autoinstaller where you can install Joomla, or perhaps WordPress scrips, some forum or gallery. (Depending on type of web want). For the less experienced, I recommend SiteBuilder that is also in control panel. From there you can install hundreds of templates and designs web, only have to choose the one you like. To install templates from SiteBuilder generates an administrator, from there we can add pages, or modify any aspect of our website. READY! We already have our own website, now I just need adding content, create subdomains, or manage emails etc.