Sasha Medvedev
Such an increase leads to fierce competition. Professionals are expensive, but amateurs are ready to work for peanuts. Alas, for many customers, price is the main criterion by which selected photographer. Choose, and then sorry. But now it's not about that. The abundance of photographers has led to the fact that demand a small, but offers a lot.
And then there's a new market – the master-classes. And again the old scenario, the number of master classes growing by leaps and bounds. A set of inexperienced photographers literally learned to use his photo camera, start teaching. In my practice, I came across this many times. There are many qualitative and non-teaching master classes, but also many that except as amateurish not name. Well, how can a man who himself knows nothing, someone to teach? It turns out they can. That's what I created my photo blog – in which I describe those master classes that I have seen personally. I write only about what he saw.
Perhaps my observations will prove useful to someone when you select a master class for itself. So how do you choose the right master class, so you do not regret the money spent. First we must first look at who the author is a master-class, who shares his knowledge. In each branch of photography has its own spice, whose names everyone knows. K example, the market wedding photography all know such photographers as Nozdrin Sasha, Sasha Medvedev, Laszlo Gabani and many others. Secondly, not bad, it would know how long is a master class there. In the third talk with those who were there in person, or read comments. Although comments on trust 100% is impossible, because many of them are written by the same authors. Education should be for everyone. This must not be afraid. As our ancestors said: The Age -Live and learn!