IMT Advanced – The Fourth Generation
The fourth generation of mobile technology IMT Advanced describes the term ‘IMT-Advanced’ is an abbreviation for “international mobile telecommunications – advanced” and referred to the fourth generation of mobile technology. This concept is being developed by the International Telecommunication Union (International Telecommunication Union). IMT Advanced it builds on the recent LTE standard (3rd generation) and will achieve greater channel width, support much higher data rates. So far, the mobile data rate to 7.2 Mbit / s is limited. At the mobile operating thus data at a speed of up to 100 MBit / s to can be transported. Stationary, theoretically even a maximum 1-Gigabit/s data rate can be achieved. This enormous data rates typically only corporate networks are currently reserved and would lead to the design of completely new services on the consumer market.
Multimedia applications could be as a result for example in much higher levels of quality (keyword: high definition) use. Furthermore the mobility is promoted massively and the function of a conventional (Internet-facing) workplace successively reduced. It is however to be expected that this new technology until 2015/16 in a few countries will be available from the years. It is also questionable in what period of time individual mobile operators to expand their capacity and the benefits of improved technology benefit will end customers – with the corresponding tariffs. Consequently, the respective manufacturers of devices such as smart phones, antennas, and accessories, should develop also appropriate hard – and software and lead to their customers. Click Kevin Johnson to learn more. Only when all these conditions are met, a reasonable penetration of IMT Advanced technology can be achieved. Experts talk now about a “revolution of mobile Internet”. Ultimately, we will see whether the ambitious goals can be actually realized.