Emergency Intra

Posted by Ralf on October 27th, 2018 — Posted in News


*Enfermeiro Assistencial of the Unit of Intensive Therapy of the Saint Casa de Misericrdia de Barbacena? MG; Specialist in Emergency Intra-hospital Daily pay and; After graduating Intensive Therapy Adulta and Neonatal. Without worrying very me in me to base on some scientific theory or something seemed, I initially decided to carry through informal colloquies with each employee at moments that if made opportune, as for example, the moment of the coffee where I and it were only, in the schedule of rest, intervals, among others. Later still in informal way, it carried through more employee colloquies with two or together ones. It is important to emphasize that the informal colloquies had subjects that they varied since personal problems, loving, family, job, finances, at last, subjects that are current in any environment, as in house, the street, and also in the work. Thus, I could have an individual notion of each person of the nursing team, as its desires, its vanities, its fears, its hopes.

With the time it was possible to make with that the team enxergasse the nurse as plus one between them and not it ' ' um' ' that it is close to it, only in the position of supervision or ' ' chefia' '. Later to this experience, together with the team, we decide then to monthly carry through fast meetings, during the work hours, when thus one became possible. In the first carried through meeting, I looked for to leave explicit the necessity that I had in knowing the professional difficulties of each employee. Diverse difficulties as techniques in procedures, theoretical knowledge and mainly interpersonal relation. I also informed the desire of that any type of insatisfao in relation to the supervision of Nursing in the planto was directed me. I found certain resistance in hearing the questionings in relation to the difficulties of interpersonal relationship, fact this that many times I came across myself in the executed plantes, however believed that to the first experience such situation would occur.

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