Democratic Budget

Posted by Ralf on March 31st, 2020 — Posted in News


DEMOCRATIC BUDGET: Joint of politics and strategies of democratic management for the participation accomplishes of the society in the power to decide public process practical. Alessandro Filgueiras Da Silva Tatiana Souto Bigger of Oliveira SUMMARY the present article has as objective to analyze the democratic process of the Democratic Budget City of Joo Person, by means of the participation of the different segments of the society in its elaboration. For in such a way, the express theoretical referencial the agreement of this object of study through them pillars of the bibliographical research aiming at to appraise the main elements that involve the understanding of the object of considered study. It results in a study contextualizado in the principles constitutional of democratic management from the understanding of that the Democratic Budget if constitutes as ample arcabouo of actions articulated of the management, as well as a social project that if materialize in the daily one of the society, the search of its improvement and the promotion of formation of the politically participativo citizen. Therefore, it evaluates the results by means of reply of the society in the understanding of its social function. Word-key: Democratic budget.

Democratic management. Public politics. Social project. INTRODUCTION the subject ' ' Democratic budget: Joint of Politics and strategies of democratic for the participation promotion accomplishes of the society in practical the power to decide process of pblicas' ' it aims at to consider from the effective reality in the municipal management of Joo Person, to understand as if it develops the Democratic Budget, instrument that if consolidates as one public politics with social function of participativo character e, therefore, capable to promote qualitative transformations in the public administration in what it says respect to the relation between the civil society and the public power. This because, the process of implantation of one public politics demand of some aspects of confrontations for the attainment of desirable results depending for this, a priori, of the commitment of the public administration, as well as of its organization and management, but also of the mobilization of the society as a whole.

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